About this IPT installation

This is a default IPT hosted by Dutch Butterfly Conservation

You can use the following variables about the hosting organisation:

  • description = Dutch Butterfly Conservation, the name "De Vlinderstichting" uses when working in an international context, was founded in 1983, with conservation and restoration of the Dutch butterfly fauna as its major mission. Later on the taxonomic coverage was extended to include dragonflies and moths. Dutch Butterfly Conservation works on many aspects of butterfly conservation, often related to nature restoration and nature development. Butterflies, moths and dragonflies are good indicators for the quality of our environment, whether it is natural, agricultural or urban in nature, and research on these species and monitoring their abundance and diversity, provides us with knowledge on population trends and developments related to climatological and environmental changes. More than 1500 volunteers actively support the practical (field)work of the organisation and about 6000 members provide financial support and / or donations. At the bureau of the organisation the about 30 staff members are involved in scientific research, policy support, consultancy services, educational activities and international collaborative projects. Dutch Butterfly Conservation was one of the founding organisations of Butterfly Conservation Europe (BCE) and works with many sister organizations, both in the Netherlands and abroad.
  • name = Dutch Butterfly Conservation
  • alias = Dutch Butterfly Conservation
  • homepageURL = [http://www.vlinderstichting.nl/english]
  • primaryContactType = technical
  • primaryContactName = Chris van Swaay
  • primaryContactDescription =
  • primaryContactAddress =
  • primaryContactEmail = chris.vanswaay@vlinderstichting.nl
  • primaryContactPhone = +31 317 467346
  • nodeKey = 0909d601-bda2-42df-9e63-a6d51847ebce
  • nodeName = Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility
  • nodeContactEmail = nlbif@naturalis.nl